Friday, March 12, 2010

YouTube - Edie - rescued yesterday an hour before euthanasia (Video by Eldad Hagar and Bronwyne Mirkovich)

This is an amazing video/story that warms your heart. So many times people just run towards a breeder if they want a new pup. I heard a statistic that some 3 million animals (dogs, cats) are euthanized each year in the US. It's a sad and shocking statistic. If only more people would go to their local shelter and spend time with the animals and find one that fits them. These animals are scared, depressed, and yearning to be loved. I thought I would share this video with you. If I could handle it, you can too! It ends on a happy note.

 YouTube - Edie - rescued yesterday an hour before euthanasia (Video by Eldad Hagar and Bronwyne Mirkovich)

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